
House of Damascus Restaurant

Responsive View

Project Overview

House of Damascus is a web application designed for a restaurant, offering users access to information about the restaurant, its menu, location, and an integrated booking system. Users can register, log in, make reservations, and review their booking history and edit them.


Explore the live demo: House of Damascus Demo

Table of Contents

Project Features

The navigation bar adapts to the current site section, providing easy access to different pages. It remains fixed at the top of the screen for convenient navigation. Navbar

A footer which displays copyrights for the website. Footer

Home Page

The home page welcomes users with restaurant opening times and a quick link to the booking area. Elements on the page adjust based on the device screen size. Home Page

A static page showcases the restaurant’s food and prices. The layout is responsive, switching from two to one-column design on smaller screens. Menu Page

Booking Admin

An admin area is accessible only by administrators, providing a link to view all booking entries in the database. Admin Page

Sign Up/In/Out Forms

User authentication is managed through sign-up, sign-in, and sign-out forms. The forms include necessary validation and links for a seamless user experience. Sign up Page Sign in Page Sign out Page

Booking Form

The booking form, displayed upon signing in, allows users to select the date, time, and group size for a reservation. It includes restrictions on available days, times, and group sizes. Sign up Page

User Booking List

After a successful booking, users can view their specific booking list. The list displays booking status and provides buttons for updating or deleting entries. Sign up Page

Booking Update Capabilities

A button allows users to update details of a pending or confirmed booking. The form allows users to confirm or return without changes. Sign up Page

Booking Deletion Capabilities

A button enables users to delete a booking, displaying details and a confirmation prompt. Users can confirm and delete or return without deletion. Sign up Page

Booking Overview for Admin

An admin area includes a list of all bookings, with a dropdown option to set booking status as confirmed or canceled. Sign up Page

Error Page

Custom error page 404 provide links back to valid areas of the site, enhancing user experience in case of errors. Sign up Page

Design Process and Reasoning

Design Philosophy

At House of Damascus, simplicity and clarity are prioritized. The design philosophy revolves around creating intuitive and user-friendly experiences that prioritize ease of use and accessibility. The design is clean, minimalist, and aesthetically pleasing to ensure that visitors can navigate the website effortlessly.

Color Palette

The House of Damascus website employs a simple color palette consisting of white, gray, and black. These neutral colors were chosen for their versatility, allowing content and visuals to stand out without overwhelming the user. The use of white promotes a sense of cleanliness and spaciousness, while gray and black add depth and contrast to the overall design.


For typography, the Arial font family was selected for its readability and familiarity. Arial offers a clean and modern look that complements the minimalist design aesthetic. Its simplicity ensures that content remains easy to read across different devices and screen sizes, enhancing the user experience.

Design Process

The design process follows a systematic approach aimed at delivering a seamless and cohesive website experience. Here’s an overview of the design process:

  1. Research: Thorough research was conducted to understand the target audience, their preferences, and their expectations from a restaurant website with a booking system like House of Damascus.

  2. Conceptualization: Based on research findings, various design ideas were brainstormed and conceptualized to align with the brand identity and user needs.

  3. Prototyping: Wireframing and prototyping tools were used to create mockups visualizing the layout, structure, and functionality of the House of Damascus website.

  4. Feedback and Iteration: Feedback was gathered from random users, incorporating suggestions and making iterative improvements to the design.

  5. Finalization: After multiple rounds of refinement, the design was finalized, ensuring that it met objectives and satisfied the needs of the target audience.

By adhering to these principles and processes, House of Damascus has crafted a website that delivers a seamless and enjoyable user experience, reflecting the commitment to simplicity, clarity, and user-centric design.



The User model is provided by Django’s authentication system and represents registered users of the application.




The Booking model represents a reservation made by a user for a specific date and time.





Database Schema

The database schema for the House of Damascus project is based on the following models:

User Model

Field Type Description
id IntegerField Primary key
username CharField Unique username of the user
email EmailField Email address of the user
password CharField Hashed password of the user

Booking Model

Field Type Description
id IntegerField Primary key
guest_id ForeignKey Foreign key referencing the User model
date DateField Date of the booking
time CharField Time slot for the booking
group PositiveIntegerField Number of guests in the booking group
status CharField Status of the booking (Pending, Confirmed, Cancelled)
is_cancelled BooleanField Indicates whether the booking has been cancelled
created_on DateTimeField Timestamp when the booking was created

Features to be Implemented

The following features are identified as long-term goals to enhance user experience:

Technology & Resources

Technologies Used

Packages Used

Reference Materials


Automated Testing

Automated Testing

Automated testing was conducted to ensure the functionality and integrity of the project. The testing process included the following:

Manual Testing

Booking System

  1. Create a Booking:
    • Navigate to the booking form page.
    • Enter valid details such as date, time, and group size.
    • Submit the form and verify that the booking is successfully created.
  2. View Bookings:
    • Log in as a registered user.
    • Navigate to the booking list page.
    • Verify that all bookings associated with the logged-in user are displayed.
  3. Update Booking:
    • Log in as the user who created the booking.
    • Navigate to the booking update page for the desired booking.
    • Modify the booking details and submit the form.
    • Verify that the booking details are updated accordingly.
  4. Delete Booking:
    • Log in as the user who created the booking.
    • Navigate to the booking list page.
    • Click on the delete button for the desired booking.
    • Confirm the deletion and verify that the booking is removed from the list.
  5. Error Handling:
    • Access non-existent pages and verify that the custom 404 page is displayed.
    • Submit forms with invalid data and verify that appropriate error messages are shown.

User Authentication and Authorization

  1. Login Functionality:
    • Navigate to the login page.
    • Enter valid credentials and submit the form.
    • Verify that the user is redirected to the home page after successful login.
  2. Access Control:
    • Attempt to access restricted pages without logging in.
    • Verify that the user is redirected to the login page.
  3. User Permissions:
    • Attempt to perform actions such as updating or deleting bookings created by other users.
    • Verify that the user receives a permission denied error message.

Date and Time Availability

  1. Prevent Double Bookings:
    • Create a booking for a specific date and time.
    • Attempt to create another booking for the same date and time.
    • Verify that the second booking is rejected due to availability constraints.

Validator testing

The project was tested using the W3C Markup Validation Service and W3C CSS Validation Service to ensure that the code meets industry standards.

Google Chrome sometimes shows that the website is unsafe, a request to Google was sent to fix this issue.


Heroku Deployment

This project was deployed to Heroku using these steps:

  1. Create a Heroku account and install the Heroku CLI.
  2. Initialize a Git repository in your project folder (git init).
  3. Log in to Heroku CLI (heroku login) and create a new Heroku app (heroku create).
  4. Set up Heroku PostgreSQL as the database (heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql).
  5. Push your code to the Heroku remote (git push heroku master).
  6. Run migrations and set up the database (heroku run python migrate).
  7. Deploy your app to Heroku (git push heroku master).
  8. Application should now be deployed and accessible via the provided Heroku app URL.



The content for this website was generated using the following tools:

The combination of these tools contributed to creating engaging and error-free content for the House of Damascus Restaurant website.
